SHIMONETA Meme Templates

 It is lewd, I shall destroy it. ~Oboro Tsukimigusa

Banana barbecue 
Anna Nishikinomiya Expression Template
You were being downright horrible that was way over the line!
But the peace Maker Control probably destroyed it.
Looks like someone with real guts made it through...
to confiscate obscene material, they need to know what obscenity is.
Ah yes.. I'm sure your special ability must be producing a tent between your legs...
I'm Just as eager as a set of ------ with blood!
Superkick by Anna Senpai template
if you chose it for me then this is what I want!
Don't worry. It is merely loved Nectar, Sweet and pure.
Wait, don't tell me... It's her but=hole you're after?
Out of context
The more you set me up for innuendo, the more inspired I am to make dirty jokes!
Now! let's create a beautiful world of dirty jokes together!
.. the more that wonderful man will come to love me! ~ Ana senpai
Let me observe your cucumber as it readies itself for battle ~Hyouka Fuwa

These are all, for now, we will update more templates soon. Comment down if you want a specific template.

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